9046 FM 729 Avinger, Texas 75630
9046 FM 729 Avinger, Texas 75630

I’m New


9046 FM 729 Avinger, Texas 75630



What to expect

Your first visit to LOPBC

We're excited to meet you! Below are some important things to know for your first visit.


Parking at LOPBC might not always be obvious. If our front lot is full, you may need to either park on the left side of the church or behind the church. There are two paths you can take. The first is to the left, going between the new sanctuary and the current sanctuary. Alternatively, you can follow the path to the right of the church.

Where to Go

Visitor Registration

Child Care

Van Service


How we worship

Worship Services

LOPBC offers many different opportunities to worship, study the Bible, grow spiritually, and enjoy fellowship with others. Our services are based in the God's word and we select music, both traditional hymns and contemporary songs, that complement the message of the day.


Sunday School – 9:45 AM

Morning Service – 11:00 AM

Evening Service – 6:00 PM


Wednesday Evening Fellowship – 6:00 PM

Mission Friends – 6:30 PM

King’s Kids – 6:30 PM

Youth Bible Study – 6:30 PM

Adult Bible Study – 6:30 PM