Men’s Ministry
We are the brotherhood of LOPBC men who support each other in our journeys to become more like Jesus.

Womens Ministry
Women of Worship (WOW) is the Lake O’ The Pines Baptist Church Women’s Ministry.

Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry serves students in 7th through 12th grades with tons of fun events each year!

Childrens Ministry
Our Children’s ministry is for children ages 3 years old through 6th grade. Nursery services are also available.

Van Ministry
Our van ministry serves those that are unable to drive to our church. Give us a call at (903) 755-2793 to arrange transport.

Homebound and Nursing Home Ministry
Unable to attend worship service in person? We’ll come to you! Just give us a call at (903) 755-2793.

Wednesday Meal Ministry
Enjoy a home cooked meal and fellowship each Wednesday at 6:00PM in the Fellowship hall.