9046 FM 729 Avinger, Texas 75630
9046 FM 729 Avinger, Texas 75630

Bro. Tim Shirley

Bro. Tim Shirley joined the LOPBC family, with his wife Barbara, as the full time bi-vocational Pastor in June of 2019.   He was raised in the Independent Baptist Church Association with his father being a pastor, evangelist and missionary over his career.  His mother was a dedicated administer to the family and the church family over their long and celebrated 50 plus years in the ministry.

Bro. Tim is a graduate of University of Texas, has two fine sons, their wives and four grandchildren.  He was raised all his life in the church and knew Jesus and the right way to live; however, Jesus came into his heart later in life exchanging head knowledge for heart knowledge and then he and his wife answered the call to say “yes” to whatever was next in their lives for God.   That “yes” then lead Bro. Tim to answer the call to preach of the grace and love that is our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ.  God instilled a passion in Bro. Tim to help people find Jesus through salvation, understand how much they are valued, grow in their walk with God, and realize there is great purpose for their lives in Jesus Christ!  There are no accidents and no coincidences—there is a reason you are here!

Though we all love and know the wonderful passage of scripture John 3:16 (NKJV) For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life; Bro. Tim wants so much for you to understand the following verse as well.  John 3:17 (NKJV) For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Please understand LOPBC is not a collection of perfection, rather we are a selection and showing of ordinary people with ordinary problems learning to be greater than themselves not through condemnation but through the love, grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ!  People moving forward rather than looking back!

Would you join us to share with the world the undeniably needed message of Jesus Christ’s grace, love, mercy and forgiveness!  Set yourself free today, inquire within!


All over our heads, All in His hands!

Bro. Tim and Barbara Shirley